April 8, 2009

OWww...and donations!

I tell you, I have been exercising everyday this week so far and I am out of shape. I can only manage about 20 minutes on those Jillian Michaels videos..but I am improving. They are KILLER. When I can get through the entire 50 minutes, I will be walking on sunshine.

I also have been watching my calories. What a wakeup call that is. Even stuff I thought was healthy had a ton of calories in it. I have done okay with that, made semi-decent (or at least much better than I used to) choices when eating out and logging everything I eat on The Daily Plate.

I stepped on the scale this morning and I had lost 2 pounds since last Wednesday BUT I'm not going to "officially" weigh-in until Sunday.

All in all, I'm extremely proud of the little steps I have been able to make in this endeavor, or as my super friend Deb calls it: the De-Whaling Mission. Usually when I get home from work, I let the tiredness run all over me and I end up not doing anything. But, this time I am actually doing it later in the evening instead of attempting it right when I get home--and even though most of the time I groan and say I don't feel like it, I actually DO get off the my butt and exercise which is HUGE. HUGE I TELL YOU.

Kudos to me!

Lastly, I made a bit of progress on my vague #4 Resolution of "Being a Better Person!" I donated $10 to the School Walk for Diabetes for a friend of mine's daughter who is participating. I have resolved myself to donate to two other charities before the year ends as well (hopefully a little bit larger sum if I can afford it). I'm planning those two charities to be the Ronald McDonald House Charities and the Susan G. Komen For the Cure.

Why those? Well, for the Ronald McDonald House, several months ago around the holidays, a local radio station was doing a fund-raiser for them. They had so many stories of how RMcD House had helped these families who's children were ill--gave them a place to stay, food to eat and clothes and care for the kids. It was so unbelievably touching that I vowed to donate to them at least once in my life.

For Susan G. Komen, I think that's probably the most repretable breast cancer foundation out there and I'd like to help in any small way I can. My grandmother is a breast cancer survivor and my aunt currently is battling it herself. It's scary and sad, as any cancer is, and it's touched my life personally.

I would encourage everyone to donate to something that is personally important to them. It makes you feel good, and even if it's just a tiny amount, you're helping!


  1. Good for you, Sam! That's awesome! I think the Ronald McDonald house is an *excellent* place to donate. I have issues about breast cancer foundations due to clinical cynicism but that's another story. We have two kids that we're sponsoring through Compassion International. Jeremy has been sponsoring his kid in the Philipines for 7 years now, and I've been doing it for 3 years. I like to donate my time because I think that is more precious than money so we volunteer at the homeless shelters Downtown and serve dinner. I also volunteer as a translator for medical outreach stuff here in Seattle and up in Mount Vernon sometimes with migrant workers. J and I love doing volunteer things together because it builds our relationship by being team mates and also helps out the community. You guys should try it! It gives you a different appreciation for what you have.

  2. I volunteered for Big Climbs, which is organized by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society a few weeks ago. Does that count?

    I am thinking of being a Street Counselor for Stand Up for Kids. Still waiting for them to respond to my request.

  3. About food, I am doing very very bad this weeks. Grilled cheese, french fries, and all the other fatty stuffs. Hope I will do better next week.

  4. You guys are awesome and so kind-hearted, I had no doubt that you volunteer and make donations on a regular basis.

  5. Donation is also a good way if you don't have time to volunteer. All helps are good. Good for you, Sam. :D
